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Who creates the mysterious crop circles? Learn more at Cosmic-Corner

Who creates the mysterious crop circles?

W>ho creates the mysterious crop circles that are found throughout the world?

Some say they are man made, some say they are made by Extraterrestrial entities and/or space crafts, maybe they are created by Scalar energy or even HAARP? One theory is that the Earth (Gaia) herself is manifesting them.

The answer is that all of the above are true and more! It’s all about who YOU think created them, more so, the co-creative collective consciousness of all of you here on planet earth.

The many diverse symbols of the crop circles, which have been discovered in golden ripe fields of cereals since they were first reported in 1678, then more progressively from the 1970’s to today, are a wake up call to all that care to perceive them.

All of the patterns crafted in the crops, by the hands of what appears to be the invisible makers, all come from the mass consciousness of the world as we are waking into a new reality of thr great awakening and discarding the old lower vibrational one. The symbols represent a collective dreaming by mass consciousness of everyone on the planet in whichever way you wish to understand them. They are a co-created mass creation and a sign that we are all waking up from a long dreamy sleep, into a bright fresh reality.

The entities that help us to craft the intricate patterns do indeed come from a variety of sources. Some are man made, some do involve ET or other dimensional beings manifestations. The energies of the Earth & the ancient earth spirits that have dwelt alongside humanity in unseen dimensions ever since the earth first came into existence, also play a part in the creation of the crop circles.

“We are all one and play an individual part of “All That Is’ at source!”

All of them are crafted on places of high energy. One only has to walk into a crop circle with some dowsing rods or a pendulum to see for yourself. However you wish to decipher the circles is totally up to you! They can be perceived by measurement of the Golden Mean PHI, they can be felt as super high energy vibration or even listened to. If you stand in a freshly made circle all your senses come alive as you can hear the fresh crop popping and steaming. Some of you might perhaps taste a coppery flavour on your tongue or hear a high pitched sound in your ears created the excessively high frequencies.

However you wish to experience and understand them is personal to you, but a visit to one to discover for yourself is highly recommended.

Cosmic Aliens Animation

CROP CIRCLES Hidden Mysteries by Crop Circle Connector

The following YouTube video, recently released for free viewing, many thanks to the CCC Team, goes into the historical concepts of the symbolic designs. They delve deep into the mysteries of the sacred geometrical wonderment that is evidently seen in the creation of most crop circles.

If you are planning to visit some crop circle sites, the Crop Circle Connector website is the best place to start. Within the site they accurately record a huge variety of information including location, aerial shots, field reports, videos, diagrams, articles, code of conduct rules whilst out in the field and much more!

If you wish to visit the crop circles in Wilshire UK, a great place to do your ‘in the field’ research and plan your day is at the Crop Circle Exhibition & Information Centre, based at Honeystreet Mill Café, Honeystreet, near Alton Barnes, Pewsey, Wiltshire, UK. SN9 5PS.

Also, there are plans to re-establish the nearby legendary Barge Inn for 2019. The Barge is still currently up for sale, but rest assured, such a loved pub that’s been adored over the years by croppie enthusiasts, hippies, hikers, modern antiquarians and boat people that stay over on the canal next to it and within the sociable camp site, will attract the rightful new owner at the perfect time.

Here are some of our cosmic field & aerial shots of our circle visits over the years:

New Cosmic-Corner creation is just out! Cherhill 2011 Crop Circle Embroidered T-shirts

Our new embroidered smoking alien crop circle design is the first of a series of crop circle patterns that we will be creating into the multiverse upstream of this moment.

Our version of this amusing crop circle creation is a different pattern variation from the original, which was found at Cherhill, Wiltshire on 27th July 2011.

Cosmic Corner Cherhill 2011 Crop Circle Black T-shirt -
Cherhill 2011 Crop Circle Emboidery Design

This t-shirt is available in a range of unisex adult sizes, it is sewn in bright day glow colours and glow in the dark thread and will look awesome in the bright daylight, or even at a rave or party.

Each t-shirt is embroidered onto high quality 100% cotton at the Cosmic Corner of your Universe. Please visit the Cosmic-Corner shop to read further details.

Please contact us for further enquiries.

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